Med glädje kan vi konstatera att Nick, Joe och Kevin i Jonas Brothers gått från barnband på 00-talet till män “i sina bästa år” som också kör låtar som är bättre än någonsin. Prova lyssna in senaste albumet (som lämpligt nog, eller kanske för enkelheterns skull, heter “The Album“): Vi garanterar en stunds skön, poppig lyssning! När du lyssnar in Waffle House så tror vi att du blir sugen på våfflor, men det är en long shot, eftersom videon handlar om något helt, helt annat…
Come on
Hey now
We never knew how to forfeit
Hey now
But we always knew how to talk sh—
Hey now
Couple nights, threw gasoline on the fire
Hey now
We never knew how to perfect
Hey now
But we always knew it would work
‘Cause if somethin’ misread
Or if somethin’ got said
Know before the night ends
No, don’t get stressed, it’s gon’ get figured out
Oh, deep conversation at the Waffle House
Headstrong father and a determined mother
Oh, that’s why some nights we tried to kill each other
But you know it’s always love
Hey now
We never knew how to fake it
Hey now
But we always knew how to break sh—
Hey now
Couple nights, threw gasoline on the fire
But if somethin’ misread
Or if somethin’ got said
Know before the night ends
No, don’t get stressed, it’s gon’ get figured out
Oh, deep conversations at the Waffle House
Headstrong father and a determined mother
Oh, that’s why some nights we tried to kill each other
But you know it’s always love
But you know it’s only love
Oh, baby
But you know it’s always gon’ get figured out
Deep conversations at the Waffle House
Headstrong father and a determined mother
Oh, that’s why some nights we tried to kill each other
You know it’s only love
Oh yeah
You know it’s only love
You know it’s only love
It’s always love