Lagom till solens ankomst så har den officiella videon till vårens grymmaste hit släpps!
Vi det här laget råder ingen tvekan om vilken artist som kan koras till “house-farfar”. Eller varför inte “hit-farfar”. Guetta fyllde 50 förra året och har en lång historia av framgångsrika collabs med sångerskan och låtskriverskan Sia. Du minns säkert tidigare samarbeten som Titanium, She Wolf och Bang My Head, och nu är det dags igen. Guetta gillar onekligen att samarbeta med Sia och hyllar henne bland annat i denna artikel.
One foot in front of the other, babe
One breath leads to another, yeah
Just keep moving
Look within for the strength today
Listen now for the voice to say
Just keep moving
Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, but don’t stop moving
Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, you can do this
So my love, keep on running
You gotta get through today
There my love, keep on running
Gotta keep those tears at bay
Oh my love, don’t stop burning
Gotta send them up in flames
In flames
Don’t stop, tomorrow’s another day
Don’t stop, tomorrow you’ll feel no pain
Just keep moving
Don’t stop, the past will trip you up
You know, right now’s never be enough
Just keep moving
Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, but don’t stop moving
Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, you can do this
So my love, keep on running
You gotta get through today
There my love, keep on running
Gotta keep those tears at bay
Oh my love, don’t stop burning
Gotta send them up in flames
In flames
In flames
In flames
Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, but don’t stop moving
Go, go, go, figure it out
Figure it out, you can do this
So my love, keep on running
You gotta get through today
There my love, keep on running
Gotta keep those tears at bay
Oh my love, don’t stop burning
Gotta send them up in flames
In flames